Introducing..."Reverend WHO?"
  Introducing..."Reverend WHO?" | Back Stage Access | "12amNoon" The Instrumental Side | "This Is Why I CAN!!!"..2019 World Motivator!! | "Everyone Is Looking 4 U"...2020 | "Change Your Mind About Me"...2021 | 12am NOON STORE!!! TShirts & More! | The song..."INFILTRATE" | "SEE THERE" is his name!! | YOUR .......PICTURE PICK OF THE WEEK | WINNER's  PAGE!!! | Initiating TONGUES at the POINT of TEMPTATION  

This Musical Force...

... began 2 rumble--- under the cloak of mystery- - carrying an applicable message that was initiated millenniums ago...And it is still unknown - - -Who he is!!!    ..."Reverend WHO?"

Notable Quotes

"He is ahead of his time!" --Andrae Crouch

"Reverend Who's got that George Clinton flava!" --Tonex

"Reverend Who? praises with the funk! --Bill Ellis The Commecial appeal

..."Reverend WHO?"

Removing the Cloak... Enlightening the EYES!

Says "Reverend WHO?"...

"on the cd, I strive 2 capture movable grooves that span from the R & B horn sounds of the 70's to the hip hop of 2day, using any style from heavy metal elements to the smoothest jazz flows and charming meaningful ballads. The rap tunes always get good response.

Live!.. I use visuals of all sorts to display the song more so than just performing the song, which is exciting because the crowd never knows what will happen next!"

Just searching out new ways 2 glorify God and sooth hurting souls with the medicine of the GOSPEL!!!

Hearing the Music and Contact Info

"Reverend WHO?"s CD "TEXTING" featuring the hit single "That's Jesus Textin' Me",  and the smash "The Lord's Army  is available on iTunes, Amazon mp3, Napster and Rhapsody!!   Also checkout "Reverend WHO?" videos "revwho3" through "revwho10" on Youtube!  Take a listen on!...just type in "Reverend Who?"   

For more info, contact us at:

contact person:    Andre LaFlora

Soul Food!

"...give me the little book. --Take it, & eat it up..!"  Revelation 10:9

@Andre LaFlora on Twitter